The graves of the Illuminati founder, Adam Weishaupt, and his family (left) and his son Wilhelm (Right). These graves were once located in the cemetery in Gotha, central Germany, but have since disappeared, the whereabouts of which remain unknown...

In January 2013, I visited the city of Gotha in central Germany to view the grave of Adam Weishaupt -the founder of the Baverian Illuminati. This was just a tongue in cheek excuse to do some travel and get out and see a bit more of Germany with my two friends, Ede and Mempf (pictured below-Mempf in Black, Ede in Grey and thats me in Blue).

As (bad) luck would have it, Adam Weishaupt was buried in a Jewish cemetery which is closed off to the public. The best we could do was to look in from the outside behind the fence in the hope of spotting his grave from a distance. In reality, the grave of Adam Weishaupt was removed long ago by parties unknown. Today, it probably stands in the temple of some kooks like the Freemasons, or even more disturbed whackjobs like the Skull And Bones Society, where it is being utilized as a paper-weight or a suitable ornament for their ceremonies. You can read more of the German text here, or just do a google search to learn more about Adam Weishaupt and his final resting place.

Alas-all was not lost! In the end, we found a cute little pub in the centre of Gotha and enjoyed the sights and sounds for a few hours.

I may not have crushed the Illuminati on this trip, or uncovered its plot to overthrow the world, but I sure enjoyed my weekend at Gotha....

Illuminati Tour, Gotha, January 2013


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